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7 Things Pregnant Women Want Their Partners to Know

Dear partners of pregnant women, We know pregnancy is a challenging time for couples. While women experience a lot of mood swings, their partners can have a tough time dealing...

Dear partners of pregnant women,

We know pregnancy is a challenging time for couples. While women experience a lot of mood swings, their partners can have a tough time dealing with it . So if your partner is pregnant and you don’t how to deal with it, we got your back. Read on to find out 7 things your pregnant partners wants you to know.

1. She Is Hormonal and She Knows It, Don't Remind Her That !

Pregnancy and mood swings go hand in hand. Your partner might be showing you some inconsistent and polarized behavior, but this is very normal. It’s your job to keep quiet. Putting up with her craziness is the male analogy of experiencing hormones directly, it’s just something you have to go through as part of pregnancy. Moreover, A pregnant woman may not even be aware she’s acting strange. If she isn’t, then don’t bring it to her attention. She may forget about what she did later on and only remember your reaction.

 Momzjoy Pregnant Women Partners - Online Maternity Fashion India


2. Pregnancy Is Really Hard 

Pregnancy is no child’s play and she wants you to be her rock during it. It might sound like she's just constantly whining, but pregnancy is really hard. She wasn’t expecting it to be quite so exhausting, nauseating, hormonally charged, ache-y and headache-y. Be supportive, help her out with chores and do all of that with a smile on your face.


3. Pampering Helps Ease The Tough Times

Every woman loves getting pampered and if she is pregnant multiply that want by a 500. She wants to feel special, give her a massage or take her out on a spa date, she'll love it.

4. She Is As Worried About Parenting As You Are

Whatever worries and fears are keeping you up at night, are sure to be keeping us awake too. Your partner might be questioning her abilities as a mother. Take her hand and tell her that she will be a wonderful mom and there are no two ways about it. She really want's to hear it.

Momzjoy Pregnant Women Partners - Online Maternity Fashion India

5. She Is Worried Breastfeeding May Be Hard

She may need your support at 3am when she’s sobbing because she's tired and the baby just seems to want to feed, she’ll need you at lunchtime when she may be nervously feeding the baby in public for the first time, and she’ll need you to tell her she's doing just great.

 Momzjoy Pregnant Women Partners - Online Maternity Fashion India 

It could be a good idea to look for maternity wear which is nursing friendly, you can have a look here


6. She Is Worried About Her Body And That You Might Not Think She Is Sexy Anymore

Yes, Pregnancy will lead to weight gain, which might lead to body issues. She is worried about how she looks and if you still find her attractive. It would mean the world to her if you appreciate her and genuinely remind her how much you love her. Surprise her with flowers or a nice looking maternity dress and make her day. You can have a look at some beautiful nursing friendly maternity dresses here 


7. She Appreciates You

You’ve been her rock through most of her tough times, you’ve risen up to the occasion more often than not. She appreciates everything that you have done for her. So keep being her rock, you are AWESOME!


8. She Can't Wait For You To Be A Father

She just can't wait to see you hold your baby in your squishy loveable arms. She loves and adores you and already thinks you're the most amazing dad and that your baby is already one of the luckiest people in the world.

Momzjoy Pregnant Women Partners - Online Maternity Fashion India

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